Again, the elusive muskie has proven to thwart our most diligent efforts to trick it into biting on a barb that resembles a delicious snack. Here are a few photos of our 48 hour ordeal, plus on bonus video that I'm sure my dad won't be able to play, but hoping anyway..............
Jason Ziemba, ESADE classmate, is on the left, and his childhood friend and Butler football scholarship free safety Steve Hall is on the right. Both most excellent guys and great fishing buddies. Steve used to come into the city a couple times a month and we've gotten to know each other well.
I like this pick. I'm finally starting to appreciate lakes. There is a tranquility they attain that the ocean, with its tides, storms, currents, just never will. I appreciate the ocean for its boundless energy, and the lakes for their stillfullness.
We rented a cabin on this trip, and here was our front yard and the walk down to the dock. The "postcard" vibe was in full effect. The campfire pit was put to good use too.
The trip wasn't an entire failure. Jason is holding a nice Northern Pike, one of three fish caught over a combined 34 hours of fishing. Fortunately, we did have within our reach a nice bottle of Balvenie Doublewood Single Malt that my Minneapolis neighbor and good friend Mike Coriale, who joined us on the second day, enjoys in the opposite photo, as well he should, cause the only fish he caught is the below. The fish basically had a field day with us.
A fish is a fish is a fish |
Peacefullness notwithstanding, our timing around the 4th of July weekend did prompt a spontaneous purchase of fireworks of the highest quality, which lead to a spontaneous high speed chase of our friend Steve and Jason comandeering the attack. Nothing like firing roman candles at your friends as they try to make their escape.
Yup, that's my brother.